Modelling Storage in OATSΒΆ

In the current version of OATS, storage is modelled as part of the unit commitment (UC) problem.

The UC problem is a time-linked problem where the time-periods are coupled via ramp rate constraints. The following power balance equation is imposed for each time period t and for each zone z:

\[\sum_{g \in G} p^{\text{G}}_{g,t} + \sum_{s \in S} \left(p^{\text{Out}}_{s,t}-p^{\text{In}}_{s,t}\right) = \sum_{d \in D}P^{\text{D}}_{d,t}+\sum_{l \in L}p^{\text{L}}_{l,t}\]

where pIn and pOut represents the charging and discharging of energy storage, respectively. The energy storage is modelled using the following equation:

\[p^S_{s,t} =\eta^{D}_s p^{\text{Out}}_{s,t}-\frac{1}{\eta^{C}_s} p^{\text{In}}_{s,t}\]

where \(\eta^{C}_s, \eta^{D}_s\) are the charging and discharging efficiencies of the storage asset s, respectively.

For details about specifying storage data type, see the explanation of fields here. The following command will run the unit commitment model and display results for storage that has been modelled in the network data test.xlsx.

oats.uc(neos=False,solver='cplex', tc = 'test.xlsx')